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This is my game, Crazy Madness. I couldn't think of a much better title, so I just give it a random name.

This is a game about survival. You need to survive as long as possible to touch the golden ball to win the game. You have a health bar, a jump meter, and a power meter. Jump meter determines how long you can jump, and power meter determines how long you can defend. Both meters can be refilled by touching the green monolith lily. The white cross acts as a distraction. You can use power to destroy them, but you also lose some power. This can prevent player from using power all the time. There is a tutorial in the game, player will have instructions on how to play the game. 

When the assignment was first introduced, I was thinking about making a jumping game.  However, as I was developing the game, I thought maybe adding some obstacles and let the player to destroy them would be a great idea. The funnest part would be 3D modeling all the objects in the game. I love to let my imagination flows sometime. The lest fun would be deciding how would I code the mechanism. Although I had a lot of fun programming, sometimes I need to make difficult decisions on how to I code them efficiently.